Request for Proposal
RFP Creation and Management
Running a formalized RFP procedure (Request for Proposal) is one of the best ways to obtain the best solution, terms as well as pricing.
Nevertheless, it can be very challenging and takes a lot of time also.
This is from determining business requirements as well as needs, composing and releasing the RFP, identifying the providers to send it to, going through the feedback, weighting, and scoring, getting to meet the providers, discussing terms, and so on. It is a task that can consume a lot of time more so if you do not have the skill in this area.
The good thing is that, for more than 15 years, the CloudZen team has been developing and running RFPs for their customers. If you want to implement an RFP for Network Services, Security, Cloud or Data Center, or Unified Communications and Contact Center, the CloudZen team can definitely be of assistance.
CloudZen Partners will:
- Put together requirements, create RFP and manage procedure, engage the vendors, negotiate, and do the selection.
- Come up with a tailor-made RFP according to your particular needs, and we will look for the best providers to suit tour specific requirements, request proposals, and discuss terms — leading to the best and most defendable contracting decision.
- Oversee the communication with all providers, carry out technical evaluations, schedule meetings, receive and arrange all of the provider responses.
- Discuss with the provider pricing, terms, and conditions on your behalf.
- Come up with decision weighting guideline and sum up our recommendations in an easy condensed design to enable your business to make the best knowledgeable choice.