Backup & Disaster Recovery

Backup & Disaster Recovery

Backup & Disaster Recovery

Required Info

Why are you considering Backup and/or Disaster Recovery as a Service?
Virtualization Platform(s)
Physical servers that host virtual machines
Not including VM hosts. These are physical servers running applications.
Operating Systems
Windows Version(s)
Linux Version(s)
IBM Version(s)
virtual CPU; total processing power
GB = gigabytes; RAM = server memory
Total amount of storage (in terabytes) in use across all servers and virtual machines; in other words, the amount of data
Total amount of disk space (in terabytes) provisioned across all servers and virtual machines
Are all the servers and storage listed above in scope for this project?
Is backup/replication for any of the following in scope? NAS = network attached storage; RDM = raw device mapping; VDI = virtual desktop infrastructure; OS = operating system
Do you plan to keep using your current backup software?
Will you continue to back up locally?
Do you require the ability to run applications in the cloud for business continuity purposes?
Do you want the provider to help manage the solution and provide failover & failback support?
After a disaster, what's the least amount of downtime your applications can tolerate (shortest RTO)? RTO = recovery time objective
RTO = recovery time objective
In a disaster, what's the least amount of data you can afford to lose (shortest RPO)? RPO = recovery point objective
RPO = recovery point objective
Compliance Standards Required

Helpful Info

Data Center Location(s) Required
Location Preference in USA
Are you interested in Managed Services?
Do you require backups for any of the following?
Is long-term data retention part of this project?
Offsite Retention Policy
the age of the oldest backup that's stored offsite before it's deleted
Do you currently have a second site for DR purposes?
Do you currently have a second site for DR purposes?
Are you currently using any of these technologies?
Primary Site Connectivity Type

Maximum file size: 52.43MB


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